Saturday, 01.09.2018 - Lusaka

Checks and Balances in a Constitutional Democracy

Sociopolitical key actors and experts such as the SACCORD, participate in dialogue events of the FES regarding constitutional legality, political participation and social justice, identify democratic deficits and develop alternatives.

Photo: FES Zambia

Active citizen participation in national processes such as policy and development programme formulation and implementation is one of the fundamental tenets of good governance. Citizen involvement in governance ensures that the governed, especially those regarded as poor and marginalized in society, have access to adequate space to speak out and be heard in decision-making and implementation which would otherwise be highly centralized. This creates a strong link between duty-bearers, service providers and citizens, thereby promoting effective, transparent and accountable use of public resources including natural resources management. This project is aimed at encouraging citizen participation in Zambia as a way to enhance democracy in the country.

Zambia Office

6 Nalubutu Road Off Addis Ababa Road,
Plot Number 1346,
P.O. Box 30554,

Rhodespark, Lusaka, Zambia

+260 211 295579
+ 260 211 295615-16
+ 260 211 295591


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