Saturday, 01.09.2018 - Berlin

MLSS Berlin Meeting on labour law reforms and social security

FES has been supporting the Ministry of Labour in implementing the reform agenda on labour and social security laws. The Ministry has committed itself to continue the long standing work in this area.

Zambia's existing labour law regime is governed by a set of legislative acts, and one of the reforms' objectives is to consolidate and harmonize the acts that they can be more user-friendly. The Zambian government is in the process of re-aligning the legal and policy framework in the employment and labour sub-sector in order to better respond to the challenges of the labour market. The decent work agenda expresses the best possible intersection between the Zambia characteristics and policies and priorities with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) mandate and strategic objectives. It is government responsibility to protecting the interests of all stakeholders and social partners through a broad range of measures that encourage social dialogue and harmonious labour relations in addressing employment and labour challenges. However, for these measures to be effective, strong partnerships between government, workers representatives, employers organisations and the stakeholders are important, with government itself, as a custodian of policy and legislation, taking a leading role in demonstrating unwavering commitment.

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Plot Number 1346,
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