Wednesday, 01.08.2018 - Pretoria

Social Protection for Social Justice: Towards AU Agenda 2063

FES Zambia’s Rights Based Social Protection Project in Africa through its Strategic Objective, intends to ensure that it widens the existing political will in African countries to enlarge technical discourses into comprehensive societal discussion and that governments uses the current time slot in favor of a broad participation and democratization towards economic recovery of Africa.

In ten countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) experiences from other African countries are active part of the political debate and create democratic awareness and transparency. The Social political discourse is focused on the economic development potential of basic social security, poverty reduction and democratic participation. In partnership with WIEGO, ITUC-AFRICA, ALRN and APSP, FES intends to promote civil society through country platforms to influence national policy processes that ensure that systems of social security are comprehensive and sustainable.

FES Zambia’s Rights Based Social Protection Project in Africa indicates that the Social political discourse is focused on the economic development potential of basic social security, poverty reduction and democratic participation.

Some of the aims of this conference were to:

  • Orient partners and their MBOs on the findings of the scoping paper on Social Protection in Africa and determine the next steps in terms of advocacy and networking
  • Foster joint advocacy on social protection and devise lobbying strategies and interventions at continental level
  • Conduct training for Change Agents in Social Protection for Social Justice in Africa
  • Update on the AU Commission and advocacy on the additional protocol on the ACHPR on citizens’ rights to social protection and social security
  • Share experiences and facilitate knowledge exchange Dialogue across sectors and countries

A total of 47 partners from 20 countries representing the informal economy, trade unions, reserachers, Academicians, NGOs including a representative from the Kenyan Government responsible for social protection participated in the conference.

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