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93 results:
01.08.2018 | Event
Social Protection for Social Justice: Towards AU Agenda 2063
FES Zambia’s Rights Based Social Protection Project in Africa through its Strategic Objective, intends to ensure that it widens the existing political will in African countries to enlarge technical…  
01.08.2018 | Event
ZCTU Pre Budget Seminar for the Zambian 2019 National Budget
Through own proposals in the areas of labour law, social security and democratic participation trade unions have an impact on the political course and the legal framework.  
04.05.2018 | Event
2018 International Annual SASPEN Conference
The 2018 International Annual SASPEN Conference: Re-thinking Social Protection for Inclusive Social and Economic Development Agenda 2030 was held from the 3rd -4th May, 2018 in Johannesburg South…  
14.04.2018 | Event
UN 56 Commission for Social Development Event
The Side event: Rights-Based Social Protection: From Rhetoric to Action, took place on February 5, 2018 at the UN Head Quarters and was attended by 47 participants.  
03.04.2018 | Country Programme Zambia | News, Event
State of the Media Report Launch
On the 27th February, FES Zambia and the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) launched the new State of the Media in Zambia report.  
26.03.2018 | Programme Social Compact and Social Justice | Event
Lusaka Social Protection Colloquium: HIV and Social Protection Assessment Tool
The Southern African Social Protection Network (SASPEN) and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) are organising the 1st Quarter 2018 Lusaka Social Protection Colloquium on March 28.  
27.02.2018 | Event
MISA Zambia State of the Media Reports Launch
MISA Zambia produced four state of media reports for 2017, the first two were produced and launched in 2017 while the second two for quarter three and four were produced in the first quarter of 2018…  
05.02.2018 | Rights Based Social Protection in Africa | Event
Rights Based Social Protection: From Rhetoric to Action
The FES Zambia hosted a side event at the 56th UN Commission for Social Development Session at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.  
05.02.2018 | Event
Merger of trade unions study tour Germany
One of the major trade union responses to globalisation in the 21st Century is the creation of Global Unions.  
01.02.2018 | Country Programme Zambia | Event
Regional preparatory Conference prior to the International Labour Conference (ILC)
In March 2018, FES Zambia, together with ITUC Africa, will organize a regional preparatory conference prior to the International Labour Conference.  
Search results 81 until 90 of 93