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93 results:
21.04.2022 | Event, News
Reflections on the New Dawn Government's major Policy Pronouncements
The dust and euphoria of the election victory may have settled, but the government is now getting down to the huge task of implementing its programs and commitments. Although, seven months is a…  
08.04.2022 | Event, News
AZIEA Strategic & Sustainability Plan 2022 to 2026
The Alliance for Zambian Informal Economy Associations (AZIEA) is a national umbrella organization for associations of workers in the informal economy. Currently, the alliance has a membership of…  
25.03.2022 | Event, News
CSOs Access to Information Workshop
In Zambia, the idea of Access to Information (ATI) or Freedom of Information (FOI) has been associated with journalists. The thinking is that journalists are the individuals who need information for…  
17.03.2022 | News
The Dialogue and Engagement Forum organized by the Zambia National Womens Lobby(ZNWL) in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Zambia Office, led a very progressive discussion towards the…  
15.12.2021 | News
2021 YLDP Block Week 3, Training and Graduation
Every year, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung organizes block week trainings which are activities of the Youth Leadership Development programme, a programme designed to enhance leadership capacities of…  
16.11.2021 | News
Crossing the Divide, formalization of the Artisanal Small Scale Mining Sector
The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Trade Union Competence Centre (FES TUCC) and IndustriALL Sub-Saharan Region in partnership with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Zambia office convened a workshop whose…  
15.10.2021 | News
International Country Workshop Mozambique: Strengthening Social Protection Frameworks and National Policy
Mozambique was one of the first countries in the Southern African region to host the International Country Workshop (ICW) on social protection with the objective of reviewing its national legal and…  
08.10.2021 | Event, News
State of the Media Report, Zambia Q3/2021
Launch of the State of the Media report for the Third quarter of 2021  
06.10.2021 | News
2021 International Annual SASPEN Conference
Social Protection and Social Services in the SADC Region: Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030  
17.08.2021 | News
Promoting Women ‘s Participation in Decision Making
It is not possible to promote Freedom, Justice and Solidarity–for all persons, without Gender Justice.  
Search results 21 until 30 of 93